I know my past reputation sucks... But I'd like a second chance.
Oh Yeah. . . Definitely.
Published on November 9, 2004 By lostncompletelyconfused In Blogging
In the past two months, I have had a big reality check. My games were foolish. I'm a mommy. I should act like one. I shouldn't be so stupid, and I needed help. You all were telling me that, and I chose to argue with you on it. I got help, and I guess I owe everyone a BIG apology.

I have no idea what to say in this article. I have missed JU so much, it surprised me to realize how addicted I was. My baby is due on December 22nd. We've been told I'll be having another girl. Unless they were wrong. Either way, I'll be happy. As long as he/she is healthy. I haven't seen my husband, Aric, in 2 weeks. I miss him. Alyssa is getting so big. She's growing like a bad weed. I'm just glad that I've become a "better" person before Alyssa or Aimee were old enough to realize how awful I was.

I've missed you all tremendously. I hope you can forgive me, and allow me to write again.

Hopelessly Me...

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